Anxiety Coffee Folk Music Folk Music Notebook Gord's Gold matzoh brei music procrastination

Coffee Crisis

I have an emergency here. I went to make coffee and the water I turned off! There was no warning about this from the building management. What do I do? Stand next to the sink until water starts coming out? Go back and check every 5 minutes which could mean going an extra 5 minutes […]

Anxiety Coffee Donut Walk doughnuts Gord's Gold idiot story Mental Health Therapy

Free Coffee!

I missed one day but it feels like forever since I’ve written. Last night I had these serious ideas to write about. Now I’m not sure what they all were or if I will write any of them. One requires some courage on my part. I’ll start easy, idiot story adjacent, both related to Gord’s […]

Blogging Coffee COVID-19 Falcon Ridge Folk Music friends Joe Biden music Politics

Powered by Coffee

This should be the greatest edition of Wise Madness ever! Why? I’ve had not my usual two cups but four cups of coffee. After six you can move things with your mind. After eight travel through space and time, after 10 you gain the powers of a god. Is this news to anybody? This should […]

Coffee Doctors facemasks friends Medicine pizza Politics

A Happy Blog About a Colonoscopy

Wow, I’m starting to write at 9:22 like I’m supposed to. I also woke up before my alarm. Maybe my body is getting past the pandemic blurring of time. That would be nice. Or maybe it’s the drugs. We’ll get to the drugs in a bit. Yesterday I had my colonoscopy. Those who follow me […]

Coffee Crohn's disease

The Great Purge

Yesterday’s adventure was my first shopping trip, including taking a bus, since I got notified that I had contact with someone that tested positive my last time on a bus. Perhaps that wasn’t wise as I am having a colonoscopy tomorrow but I’m out of too many kinds of food and I’m going to be […]

Anxiety Coffee friends

Get the Lead Out

I got up enough initiative yesterday to get out of the house and take a walk. What inspired me? I’m almost out of coffee. Without coffee it isn’t living, it’s merely existing. I walked over to Marie’s Coffee on Arthur Ave, the best coffee in the Bronx. It’s one of those things I consider special […]

Bacon Baseball chocolate Coffee Folk Music friends music peanut butter WFUV

Special Delivery

Today disappeared. I somehow slept until 1:30 PM. It was a rare day that I made breakfast before I turned on my computer. I know you care what I ate, it was hameggandcheese on a bagel. I’m considering not cooking dinner and just having peanut butter. Usually I think of that as a failure, but […]

Baseball Coffee Concert Streaming Dunning-Kruger Effect John Platt's On Your Radar Politics Sabermetrics Trump

Backstage Pass

I had a crisis this morning. I went to make breakfast and found something I missed washing last night. I put it in the sink, turned on the water, and nothing came out. Why is this a crisis? You should be way ahead of me. It had nothing to do with cleaning the rack from […]

Coffee Dreams Science

Hot Coffee

I stayed in and did nothing exciting yesterday. I’ve done nothing exciting today. I need eggs so it looks like I’ll go out tomorrow. Now that I have to pay for the bus going to Aldi and Stop & Shop I might end up going to the more expensive local store more often. Homework for […]

bagels Coffee infusion music Religion

Worship without Gods

I put what I was planning on writing on the back burner. It was a deep philosophical dive into politics, economics, and pop culture. Instead I’m going to write about something I actually know, myself. That’s not being honest, or virtuous, it’s being lazy. It’s much easier to write about me. I went on adventures […]